How to pass IELTS exam in Nigeria in first attempt

How to pass IELTS exam in Nigeria

The IELTS exam can be a simple solution for you to go and work abroad, it is the best solution for any Nigerian who want to work in abroad or I should say English speaking countries. Every year Nigerian young adults from different professions for examples nurses, doctors, logistics, engineers and many more people need to go to abroad and work. However, the hard part of this journey is passing this IELTS exam, but I welcome you to the best place to learn how to pass this IELTS exam in just first attempts.

Passing IELTS exam

To pass IELTS as a Nigerian a I prepared I simple methods for you that will help you pass this exam very easily, all I have to say is you should concentrate and understand this guide.

To make it more clear to you, this guide will help you pass IELTS exam even if you did not sit for IELTS before, this is first and last for you move to English speaking countries enjoy their culture and learn more about them, work there and help the community.

Telling you the IELTS Exam.

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardized test that assesses the Englis skills of an individual who is not native English speakers, meant to gauge their ability to communicate effectively in English speaking places or countries. IELTS exam is of two types academic and general training.

The IELTS exam has score range, The overall band score ranges from 1 (non-user) to 9 (expert user). This is IELTS exam that will help you move to English speaking countries, let’s see more about this exam to understand it is contents better.

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Versions of IELTS

There are two versions of IELTS – IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training, it is important for everyone in Nigeria who want to sit IELTS exam to know these versions or types of IELTS EXAMS, because It will help you understand which type you will focus on base on your purpose of going to abroad. Let us see these two versions and what they can tell you about IELTS.

  1. IELTS Academic
  2. IELTS General Training

IELTS Academic: Measures English language skills needed for an academic purpose, those category of IELTS exam takers want to go and study in an English teaching universities mostly, they are undergraduate or postgraduate or any other higher education.

IELTS General Training: The General Training version of the test is for those who are going to English-speaking countries to obtain secondary education, work experience or training programs.

Okay now that you can tell in your mind what version of IELTS you need to go to English-speaking countries from Nigeria just by focusing on your interest, let us talk about the IELTS band scores.

Know your skill level through IELTS band score

Nigerian candidates that want to pass IELTS exam should know about it’s band score as we have said earlier that the score range from 1 to 9 with 9 goes to higher score and 1 lowest score. In a tabular format I will explain the score base on the scores, skill level and the description this will help you understand your skill level and improve to next level through obtaining high score.

Band 9Expert userExpert users, can fully speak and understand the English language: appropriately, accurately and fluently.


Band 8Very good userVery good users, also ca fully speak and understand the Englis language but with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies. They may not understand some unfamiliar circumstance. However, can handles complex detailed argumentation well.


Band 7Good userGood users, generally has understanding of the English language and can handle some complex language well and understand reasoning, however they have some inappropriacies and inaccuracies.


Band 6Competent userCompetent users, has effective command of the English language though have some inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings somewhere. But understand and use some fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.


Band 5Modest userModest users, has partial understanding of the English language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should be able to handle basic communication in own field.


Band 4Limited userLimited users, are basic competence with limited to familiar situations. Has frequent problems in understanding and expression and not able to use complex language.


Band 3Extremely limited userExtremely limited users, can delivers and understands only some general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent breakdowns in communication occur.


Band 2Intermittent useIntermittent users, has no real understanding of communication, except for the most basic information using limited words or short sentences in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.


Band 1Non-userNon-users, don’t have the ability to use the language beyond possibly a few limited words.


The table above can help you understand your skill level and try to improve, in band score band 0 represent some body who did not attempt the test. Okay, funny? Let us go further. The next is the IELTS components, understanding the components of IELTS can help the exam takers in Nigeria to focus and learn more about where they have some weakness and improve.

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Components of IELTS exam or the Test format

Below are the four components of IELTS exam read and understand them, they are:

Listening: You’ll hear recordings of conversations and lectures, then answer questions based on the content.

Reading: You’ll be presented with various passages (descriptive, factual, etc.) and answer questions testing your comprehension.

Writing: You’ll write two essays – one responding to a prompt and another analyzing a visual prompt (chart, graph, etc.).

Speaking: You’ll have a face-to-face conversation with an examiner, discussing various topics.

Congratulation for reading about the IELTS exam with humanitarianet, let us see how can we pass this exam in Nigeria with just one attempts:

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How to pass IELTS exam?

Passing IELTS exam is very simple, by understanding what IELTS exam is as we have described above and focusing on what we are going to discuss now, the steps below will help you pass IELTS exam let us look in to them.

Read the IELTS pass questions.

Pass question papers are like another guide to help you pass IELTS exam, you can understand their difference ways of setting questions, how they need the answers, reading question papers will help get ready with IELTS exam question in the hall.

Get an exclusive pass question papers that will help you understand IELTS exam questions and pass your test in first attempt, you need this resource indeed.

Improve your English language.

We all knew that IELTS is about English language, improving your English language skill will help you pass more easily, here are the simple ways to improve your English.

Use your English every day, read, speak, listen and write in English as often as you can. This is a proven way to improve your English and therefore your IELTS score. Another way is to speak English with your friends and family.

Listen to English language radio, television and watch film. Try to listen to a variety of English accents including American, Australian, British, Canadian and New Zealand. Read English publications on media and some online pages wherever possible. Write letters, emails or notes in English to practice your written skills.

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Understand the IELTS rules

Read the Information for candidates’ booklet which provides essential information about how to respond correctly to each part of the test. You can also collect a copy of this from your IELTS test center. Try and understand every notice for the candidates. Understand what the examiners are looking for in the Speaking and Writing tests by reading the assessment criteria. Avoid distractions, try to accommodates the facts not rumors about the IELTS.

Take IELTS Courses

Consider enrolling in a course offered by a reputable test preparation center in Nigeria. These courses provide structured learning, practice materials, and valuable feedback from experienced instructors.

Mastering Time Management.

Learn to manage your time effectively during the exam. Practice each section under timed conditions to get comfortable working quickly and accurately.

Sleep Well and arrive early.

Ensure you get a good night’s sleep before the exam. Being well-rested will improve your focus and concentration. However, it is very important to arrive at the test center early to avoid last-minute stress and settle in comfortably before the exam begins.


Passing IELTS exam is very simple by understanding this guide, we have discussed about what is the meaning of IELTS exams, formats, types or versions, and tips to help you pass the exam. Thank you for reading hope this article help you understand how to pass IELTS exam in Nigeria.

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