Computer Studies 2 (Essay) and 1 (Objectives) WAEC 2024.

Computer Studies 2 (Essay) and 1 (Objectives) WAEC 2024.

Computer studies waec 2024, is a WAEC paper for 2024, the paper has been scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 8th May, 2024 by the WAEC.

According to the WAEC TIMETABLE 2024/2025, Computer studies will take place on 08/05/2024 and the paper is divided into two, they are:

  1. Computer Studies 2 (Essay), 9:30 am – 10:30 am
  2. Computer Studies 1 (Objective), 10:30 am – 11:30 am

The paper is all about one subject called Computer studies, but was designed into two format as mentioned above.

Computer studies is a WAEC exam in 2024, that will take place on Wednesday, 8th May, 2024 and the exam is divided into Essay and Objectives, the two hours exam will commence from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. In this article we discussed complete guide on answering waec computer studies questions with the best and simple methods for both computer studies 2 and computer studies 1 that is essay and the objectives.

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Computer studies 2 essay waec 2024

Student should understand that computer studies 2 (essay), is the type of waec exam that a student need to answer by writing notes on the waec answer sheet. The question paper comes with a booklet which is meant to put your answer in the it.

When answering computer studies students need to make sure they answer the questions accurately and straight to the point needed, computer studies 2 will start by 9:30am ends at 10:30 am.

Computer studies 1 Objective WAEC 2024.

This Waec exam format is just to select the correct answer by choosing one on list. All the questions asked on the paper has it’s answer, that a student need to choose one, student don’t need to write note, they only need to choose and tick or circle the answer.

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Understanding of Computer Studies waec 2024.

Computer studies focuses on the development and testing of software and software systems. It involves working with mathematical models, data analysis and security, algorithms, and computational theory. Computer scientists define the computational principles that are the basis of all software.

Computer studies is considered as part of a family of five separate yet interrelated disciplines: Computer engineering, computer science, information systems, information technology, and software engineering.

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What students writing Computer studies waec 2024 should know?

In previous waec exam for 2021, 2022 and 2023, there were various parts that mistakes were recorded.

It’s essential for students to understand that parts and take measures to avoid falling in, the recommendation are:

  1. It was recorded that mistakes has occurred in previous year’s waec exams with practicals. Therefore, teachers should make sure there are adequate practical class room before the exam, students should practice well before exams.
  2. Inappropriate use of software were recorded, as a result candidates are encouraged to learn using software properly.
  3. Instructions is a guide, students should always read the instructions before answering the questions.
  4. Learn graphics application, master using graphics applications and it’s features as listed in the curriculum.

WAEC Syllabus is a good resources

Waec syllabus for Computer Studies WAEC 2024 is a good resource as it provided by the WAEC to assist students understand the required standard expected in computer studies final examination.

Waec questions are within the scope of the syllabus, all candidates should read and understand the WAEC syllabus as it helps them in answering their exam.


This article discussed about the Waec exam for computer studies 2 and 1, with complete explanation and past questions papers and answers, it also talks about how to accurately answer each questions for both the essay which is computer studies 2 and the objective which is computer studies 1.


Computer studies waec resources

Official Weac resources for the computer 2024

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