Foods and Nutrition 3 (Practical) Planning Session 2024 Waec

waec answer for food and nutrition, can a candidate answer Foods and Nutrition 3 (Practical) Planning Session, 9:30 am – 10:30am himself? YES.

The first paper on WAEC TIME TABLE 2024, Food and nutrition is an essential part of human beings health and survival. Therefore,still there is need for qualified professionals to fight malnutrition.

In various schools in Nigeria and other part of the west Africa, this subject is essential for life it’s need is highly important. We need people who will help us prepare our daily food for survival.


Food is a living materials that animals eat to survive, it consist of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats and water.


Nutrition is the process of being nourished, it consist of all the process of preparing our foods in order to stay healthy and live better life.

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What is food Nutrition?

A food and nutrition subject/course in highschool or university that is focus a learning process that will enable you with the skills required to research, process, and preserve the nutritional components in our food. The nutritional components are protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, minerals, and fat. The scope in food and nutrition courses is broad, and can help you in getting the waec answer for food and nutrition yourself.

Foods and Nutrition 3 (Practical) Planning Session, 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Foods and Nutrition 3, is a practical session in WAEC timetable that will take place on April 30, 2024 at 9:30 am to 10:30 am, the exam covers understanding nutrition, to pass the exam a student need to understand the concept of food and nutrition, this is what we are going to explain now.

Concept of Food and nutrition.

Nutrition begins with food. Nutrition is the process by which the body nourishes itself by transforming food into energy and body tissues. The science of nutrition concerns everything the body does with food to carry on its functions. Food provides essential substances called nutrients.

When we said concept of Food and Nutrition, the following are essential key to understand about it more, these crucial elements included: calories, units of energy, and essential nutrients such as water, protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. It’s also important to understand the food and nutritional guidelines with regulatory body in Nigeria.

Methods of food preparation in family

Food and nutrition is about good health, and preparing good food in family promote health. It’s very important to understand the methods of food preparation. Here are the methods we suggested:

  • sautéing.
  • stir-frying.
  • steaming.
  • baking.
  • grilling.

Depending on the types of food and the method you need to use in preparation, different equipments or appliances to utilize it is very important, time and type of the food.

Preparing the food.

  • Clean environment: keep food preparation surfaces clean.
  • Minimize dirty: prepare food on a table where there is less dust.
  • Use of clean water: wash vegetables and fruits with clean water.
  • Minimize germs spread: prevent raw meat, offal, poultry and fish from touching other foods, as these animal foods often contain germs.
  • Cook well: cook meat, offal, poultry and fish well.

The above section taught about preparing a food in family, which is very important for students to understand, this help them in both examination and knowledge base.

Factors that influence choices of foods in family.

Most family choice of food are influenced by some factos, which includes, Factors which Influence The Choice and Preparation of Food For The Family

  1. Nutritional content:- foods should be well balanced to cater for all family members.
  2. Variety: use a variety of foods and methods to make meals interesting.
  3. Cost: combine proteins of high and low values to stretch the food budget.
  4. Time of the year: make use of the foods in season/serve appropriate meals to suit the weather.
  5. Number of people: cook enough to carter for all family members.
  6. Occasion: serve appropriate dishes for the occasion.
  7. Time available: prepare meals within the time available or make advance preparation.
  8. Cooking facilities: choose and prepare dishes for which facilities are available.
  9. Religion/culture: select and prepare dishes that are acceptable to the religion and culture.
  10. Money available:- choose ingredients according to money available without compromising quality.
  11. Taboos: forbidden foods should be avoided
  12. Skills of the cook – choose methods the cook can handle.
  13. Occupation:- this will determine the type of meal for the family e.g. the meal for a manual worker should be heavy.
  14. Age of Family members:- the family with younger children will differ from those of children that have more appetite.
  15. Foods in season:- it is good to purchase foods in season as they are cheaper and at their best.
  16. Health of family members – the health status of family members must be considered and doctor’s instruction must be followed.
  17. Tastes/likes and dislikes:- this must be considered to avoid waste.
  18. Time of the day:- the meal to be served must be suitable for time of the day e.g. breakfast, lunch, supper.

Source: Waec online

Our recommendation

We advised all students writing waec 2024 to check the official waec syllabus for 2024, read and understand the syllabus, special focus to food and nutrition.


This article discussed about food and nutrition course for students writing waec 2024, it’s important to understand Foods and Nutrition 3 (Practical) Planning Session, to be able to answer the questions. Understanding this article helps you obtaining a waec answer for food and nutrition yourself.

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