MSF Clinical Guidelines PDF: Last update: October 2023

MSF Clinical Guidelines PDF: Last update: October 2023

The current and the updated MSF clinical guidelines is that of October 2023, which contents 12 chapters and abbreviations section in PDF format.

They are based upon the best available research evidence and practice experience.

According to the MSF themselves, about their clinical guidelines. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) develops medical guidelines for use in resource-limited environments. These guidelines draw from practical experience and scientific data collected in MSF’s projects, as well as evidence published by the World Health Organization and other leading medical institutions and scientific literature.

But in this article I will talk about, this document, and provided a very simple PDF document for download.

You can download it as a nurse or a doctor to use it a guide during healthcare delivery.

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What is MSF clinical guidelines?

MSF Clinical guidelines, the Clinical practice guidelines are MSF organizations recommendations for clinicians about the care of patients with specific conditions.

Written language of the guidelines

Both guidelines are available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish for use in MSF projects and beyond.

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The authors and the contributors of the guidelines

The Clinical guidelines has been developed by Médecins Sans Frontières.

MSF would like to express its sincere gratitude to everyone who has contributed to developing these guidelines.

Co-authors: Grace Dubois, Blandine Vasseur-Binachon, Cedric Yoshimoto

Contributors: Gabriel Alcoba, Beatriz Alonso, Mohana Amirtharajah, Haydar Alwash, Catherine Bachy, Roberta Caboclo, Severine Caluwaerts, Cristina Carreno, Arlene Chua, Kate Clezy, Anne-Sophie Coutin, Marcio da Fonseca,

Martin De Smet, Eva Deplecker, Carolina Echeverri, Sylvie Fagard-Sultan, Roopan Gill, Sonia Guinovart, Jarred Halton,

Kerstin Hanson, Christian Heck, Caroline Henry-Ostian, Cathy Hewison, Yves-Laurent Jackson, Carolina Jimenez, John Johnson, Rupa Kanapathipillai, Mohamad Khalife, Nadia Lafferty, Amin Lamrous, James Lee, Helen McColl, Natasha Mlakar, Juno Min, Miguel Palma, Isabella Panunzi, Roberta Petrucci, Nicolas Peyraud, Ernestina Repetto, Jean Rigal, Koert Ritmeijer, Julia Sander, Raghda Sleit, Erin Stratta, Alex Telnov, Malcolm Townsend, Clara Van Gulik.

Specific support has been given by the International Guidelines Publication team:

Editor: Véronique Grouzard

Language editors: Mohamed Elsonbaty Ramadan, Carolina López, Anna Romero

Lay-out designer: Evelyne Laissu

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Important of MSF clinical guidelines.

This guide is designed for use by medical professionals involved in curative care at the dispensary and primary hospital.

We have tried to respond in the simplest and most practical way possible to the questions and problems faced by field medical staff, using the accumulated field experience of Médecins Sans Frontières, the recommendations of reference organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and specialized works in each field.

This edition touches on the curative and, to a lesser extent, the preventive aspects of the main diseases encountered in the field. The list is incomplete, but covers the essential needs.

This guide is used not only in programmes supported by Médecins Sans Frontières, but also in other programmes and in other contexts. It is notably an integral part of the WHO Emergency Health Kit.

Médecins Sans Frontières has also issued French, Spanish and Arabic editions. Editions in other languages have also been produced in the field.

This guide is a collaborative effort of medical professionals from many disciplines, all with field experience.

Despite all efforts, it is possible that certain errors may have been overlooked in this guide. Please inform the authors of any errors detected.

It is important to remember, that if in doubt, it is the responsibility of the prescribing medical professional to ensure that the doses indicated in this manual conform to the manufacturer ’s specifications.

To ensure that this guide continues to evolve while remaining adapted to field realities, please send any comments or suggestions.

As treatment protocols are regularly revised, please check the monthly updates.

Download the PDF file now.

The link below give you easy access to the MSF clinical guidelines download, in PDF format.

Quickly download the PDF file Here

History of MSF clinical guidelines

The first editions date back to the 1980s

The first MSF guidelines were developed in the 1980s to respond to a need for coherence and consistency in the care provided in MSF projects. Over the years, they have been regularly reviewed, improved and updated in line with new evidence. The 2023 printed editions contain all the updates published online since the last printed version in 2019.

MSF clinical guidelines reach

According to the MSF, more than 600,000 people from around the world consult the online versions of the guidelines each month.

However, thousands of health professionals use this guidelines as protocol for managing patients.

Hope getting the copy of your PDF file here helps.

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