WAEC Technical Drawing answers Sketches, Building and Mechanical 2024

WAEC Technical Drawing Answers 3 (Sketches, Building and Mechanical Drawing), 2024

Waec technical drawing 3 comprised of sketches, building and mechanical drawing plan question and answer 2024.

According to the WAEC on their time table of 2024, Technical Drawing 3 (Sketches, Building and Mechanical Drawing), is one of the waec paper (examination) that will take place on Monday, 6th May, 2024 at 9:30 am – 12:15 pm, the other two papers on that same day are Foods and Nutrition 2 (Essay), 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm and Foods and Nutrition 1 (Objective), 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm.

WAEC allow candidates to write WASSCE to be eligible to for university or colleges study.

WAEC technical drawing 3 questions and answers

Every year students who are writing WAEC need to know and understand the WAEC questions and answers of that particular paper, understanding the questions and able to answer it will help candidate to get a good results, scores A’s B’s and C’s. That is called a good results. Weac technical drawing answers will be available for every candidates that follows the steps that we are going to mention now.

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How to get Answers for the Questions of WAEC technical drawing 3 2024?

We said, every candidates that writing waec 2023 should know the simple steps of answering waec questions which we are going to explain for students in this article.

Waec Syllabus is the key.

WAEC have provided a clear syllabus for 2024 WASSCE, this syllabus contains clear discussions about every subjects, including waec technical drawing 3. Here we are going through deep explanation of this paper related to the waec syllabus.

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Clarity of the Waec technical drawing 3 for 2024.

According to the statement by waec about technical drawing 3, in their statements made that the paper was reported to be of the right standard and within the scope of the WASSCE syllabus, and the questions covered are clearly from the syllabus, when giving answers to the waec technical drawing 3, candidates are expected to give answers straight without any bulky notes, this is what it’s arranged in marking scheme.

Guides to answer technical drawing 3

  1. In previous exam, most candidates are unable to attempt mechanical drawing. It is very important all candidates should learn mechanical drawings and try as much as possible to attempt mechanical drawing as it carries marks.
  2. Learn the use of drawing instruments properly and effectively.
  3. Understand free hands sketches and drawings with instrument.
  4. Learn freehand sketches of twist drill.
  5. Understand conventional symbols.

The concepts of Technical drawing 3 in waec 2024.

Technical drawing, the syllabus discussed above about Technical Drawing have been provided by WAEC to assist you understand the required standards expected in Technical Drawing.

Now we are going to discuss about the concept of technical drawing that will help students answer the paper easily.

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what is technical drawing?

Technical drawing is the act and discipline of drawing an objects that communicate ideas used in industry by the engineers and architect.

Technical drawing Relationship in Sketches, Building and Mechanical Drawing.

Sketches: this is rough drawing representing the main feature of an object. It consist of the Interior sketching, Fashion sketching, Industrial sketching and Travel sketching.

Buildings: An architectural drawing is a sketch, plan, diagram, or schematic that communicates detailed information about a building. Five types of construction use in building are Architectural Drawings, Structural Drawings, Electrical Drawings, Plumbing and Sanitary Drawings, and Finishing Drawings.

Mechanical Engineering drawings, it is also known as blueprints, prints, drawings, mechanical drawings are a rich and specific outline that shows all the information and requirements needed to manufacture an item or product.

The above explanation helps students to answer technical drawing 3, these answers will help students to pass their waec effect
What are 3 types of technical drawings?

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The 3 Basic Types of Technical Drawing are:

Isometric drawing: These drawings forego vanishing points and single-point perspective.

Orthographic projection: This is a flattened view of a single plane of an object or area.

Structural drawing: The backbone of all major technical projects.

Understanding drawing a building plan?

There are a few basic steps to creating a floor plan:

Choose an area. Determine the area to be drawn.

Take measurements. If the building exists, measure the walls, doors, and pertinent furniture so that the floor plan will be accurate.

Draw walls.

Add architectural features.

Add furniture.

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Studying building drawing.

Here’s how you can read construction plans like a pro in five steps.

Read the Title Block.
Go Over the Plan Legend.
Inspect the Drawings.
Determine Orientation.
Look for Any Notes Added.


Technical Drawing 3 (Sketches, Building and Mechanical Drawing) questions and answers. This article contains a detailed explanation on how to answer the waec paper called technical drawing 3 effectively, the exam will help candidate pass their waec and continue their study to universities and colleges.


Waec official information about technical drawing 3.

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